Before the internet...

Yes thats right, there was a time before the internet; Your social network was your mates on your street and all services were within 10 miles of your house.

TV was limited. The UK only had 4 channels

But we did have on demand information, news and games streamed directly onto our TV via services like Teletext and Ceefax. SWEET

Both services used the World System Textext formats with the first version being released in 1976.

All 999 pages were sent over the TV signal and the TV would display the page it required when the cycle got to it.

In the early days there was some waiting when you wanted to go to your page, but later on with FastText, page links were cached in memory behind the scenes, making it seem instantaneous.

  • 8 colour palette
  • Each page was 40*24 characters and each character could be split into 2*3 pixel blocks.
  • Each character could use 2 colours out of the 8 colour palette.

The format was great at displaying information and also allowed some creative graphics to be displayed.

examples of Holiday and Bamboozle Quiz Ceefax pages with text and graphics

Fancy converting your phone images to this format?
Well now can. Ive added the text mode to PXL64

Download here for Android
