Morph 101 - Intro to Morphing

Somewhere in the 90s, after being inspired by Terminator 2, I sat down and wrote a Morph application in AMOSpro.

Terminator 2 introduced the world to T2, a liquid metal Terminator from the future that could shape shift into anything it touched.

I was slightly obsessed with the special effects and tried to deconstruct them.

AMOS pro was my choice of language at the time. Even though limited by the language, I was definitely going to do something very similar in 2D.

Sadly, the AMOSpro code is not available anymore due to an unhappy 30 year old HDD (I remember it taking a while to render a single frame), but I do have my code that I converted to BlitxMax2. Heres the output from the code back in the day.

In the next few pages I will take you through how I built it, hopefully inspiring you to make your own morpher in your favourite language and at the same time re-writing it in CerberusX

My choice of language at the moment is CerberusX and all examples will be on GitHub

Next Chapter - 102 -

Links to all chapters
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
